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HotJavaTM Browser 
Version 3.0 
Solaris, Windows, and Mac OS Installation Instructions 

Once you have downloaded the HotJava Browser 3.0 package for your system, you can install it by running the executable file that you downloaded. This launches the InstallAnywhere program to install the HotJava Browser wherever you specify.

Follow the steps below to install HotJava Browser. We recommend you refer to Known Installation Bugs and Issues before you begin.

  1. Use the downloaded HotJava Browser file to launch the InstallAnywhere program.

    On Solaris systems, you first need to provide executable permission to the downloaded file, and then you can run the program from the command line to launch the InstallAnywhere program. For example:

        % chmod +x hjb3_0-solsparc-jre.bin
        % hjb3_0-solsparc-jre.bin

    On Windows and Mac OS systems, click the downloaded file or double-click the icon to launch the InstallAnywhere program.

    To install HotJava Browser on Mac OS systems, you must have a version of the Mac OS Runtime for Java (MRJ) installed on your machine. We strongly encourage you to use the latest release of the MRJ (2.1.1), as it offers nearly a 400% improvement increase over the previous release. The MRJ can be found at

  2. Follow the instructions in the InstallAnywhere program to install the HotJava Browser on your system. It will ask you to do the following steps:

    1. Read and agree to the license terms.

    2. Specify where to create the directory containing the executable program, as well as all the supporting files and directories it needs to run.

    3. If desired, you can then create "links" (Solaris), "shortcuts" (Windows), or "aliases" (Mac OS) that allow you to easily launch the browser from other locations than where it is installed, or from menus or icons.

    4. (Solaris and Windows platforms) Specify to either install the JavaTM Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.1.6 that's shipped with the browser, or to use a pre-existing Java Virtual Machine on your system.
When the InstallAnywhere program is finished, you can launch the HotJava Browser 3.0 program by running the application from the locations or shortcuts you specified during the installation.

Known Installation Bugs and Issues

Look here for information about known issues with the installation programs.
  • (Solaris systems) If you run the install program as root, and the default install location (/HotJava) does not already exist, the "Select a Folder" dialog box for choosing a different install folder does not come up when you click the Choose button. At this point, the Choose button becomes permanently disabled.

    You can continue the installation in either the default /HotJava directory or in an alternate directory you type in the text field containing the default installation directory. (bug id 4229644)

  • (Windows systems) If you choose to specify your own path to the installation directory, make sure that the path is valid. If the path is not valid, the installation may appear to succeed, yet the browser will not be installed correctly.

    Examples of invalid paths include paths that don't indicate the drive, path names that include wildcard characters, or a directory that doesn't exist specified as the location to create the new installation directory. (bugs 4219973, 4219975, 4219976)

  • (Windows systems) The installation will not verify that enough space exists on any drive other than the C drive. If you try to install HotJava Browser on any other drive, and that drive doesn't have enough disk space, the installation will appear to succeed, but the browser won't be installed correctly. Verify that the drive you plan to install the browser on has at least 10 MB of free disk space.

  • (Windows systems) The option to "Install without a Java Virtual Machine" may find the same JDK or JRE twice, listing it with both the upper- and lower-case drive letter:


    You can choose either option.

  • The uninstall program may warn you that the file lax.jar has not been uninstalled. This warning can be ignored, because the file is actually removed.


[ This page was updated: Monday, 10-May-1999 14:17:53 PDT ]

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