TS - Non-TS POSSIBLE 16 august 65 TS: assign field 10 Yank, start at 0 thereafter: 10u;0,4 or 2G start at 2 sets up for ET Non-TS: Readin. Fresh copy will exist on field 10 Commands a - alpha symbol punch/print; sw2 on for print b - back to id (ts only) c - continue (pass, punching) d - drum output on field one e - expensive typewriter input f - forget everything & new inital symbols g - get ... (assign) i - (gx) input routine on next pass 2 tape j - (gx) jump block on next tape if pass 2 k - konstants * variable areas printout l - (gx) title on next tape if pass 2 m - modify source (re-edit, back to et) n - numberic symbols as in a o - off-line (reader) source p - (gx) punch r - (g, x) reader s - start (newpass, block) supress punching after error t - tape output w - without output (no punching or drum writing) x - cancel, get rid of, as in punch, or title z - binary symbol punch of midas flavor symbols 1 - pass 1 forced 2 - pass 2 forced sw1 -> no stop after errors sw5 -> typewriter input, symbols printed sw6 -> supress parity check, symbols in listing format