drum test _ 2-9-63 dia=iot 60 dba=iot 61 dcc=iot 62 dra=iot 63 define dispatch C,A repeat 14,C=C+C C+A terminate jmp tst /drum transfer subroutines dw, lac wf /write add drg dac io0 lio io0 dia lio sze dio io2 jmp dt ds, lac wf /swap add drg dac io0 lio io0 dia lac rf add sze dac io2 lio io2 jmp dt dr, lio drg /read, used for comparison dio io0 dia lac cpf add sze dac io2 lio io2 dt, lac crg dac ac2 dcc jmp eck jmp ck /typewriter output routines /routine to type out k alphabetic words, jda entry tpa, . dap xta dzm tq lio (77 tyo lio (35 /for red tyo tca, lio i tpa repeat 3,ril 6s tyo idx tpa idx tq lac k sas tq jmp tsp lio (77 tyo lio (34 /back to black tyo xta, jmp . tsp, cli repeat 6,tyo jmp tca k, 1 tq, . /routine to type out k octal words from memory, jda entry tpo, . dap xto dzm otq dzm wsf lio (35 /for red tyo tco, lio i tpo cla rcl 3s sza jmp .+2 law 20 swap tyo swap idx wsf sas (6 jmp tco+1 idx tpo idx otq cli repeat 3,tyo lac k sas otq jmp tco-3 /careful lio (77 tyo lio (34 /back to black tyo xto, jmp . otq, . wsf, . /readat, writdat, swapdat. entered by jsp rdt, lio (jmp dr dap dxt lac cpf dac dfc lac cpf add wld dac wlc lac (char rr ior cpf clf 3 clf 4 stf 2 jmp itp wdt, lio (jmp dw dap dxt lac wf dac df dac dfc add wld dac wlg dac wlc lac (char rw ior wf clf 2 clf 4 stf 3 jmp itp sdt, lio (jmp ds dap dxt lac wf add wld dac wlg lac rf add wld dac wlc lac wf dac df lac rf dac dfc rar 6s ior wf ior (char rs clf 2 clf 3 stf 4 itp, dzm rep dac tnm dio mde sw2, senseswitch 2 /up suppresses listing every w, s, r jmp blc lio tnm /type test name tyo icy, cla rcl 3s swap tyo swap idx rep sas (4 jmp icy lio (77 tyo dzm rep blc, lac lim /transfer another block dac csz dap sze dzm wrd clf 5 lac cor add lim dac lma /place of definition sgl, dzm blk lac dor dac drg lac cor dac crg dac cur dac cln gns, lac crg gnf, jmp . /filled by various tests, go generate data mde, jmp . /filled by itp+2,used by outside,go to tra. sub. ebk, lac wrd /error back from check sub. sza jmp set sws, senseswitch 4 /down, keep trying until no errors jmp sw5 jmp blc /try again sw5, senseswitch 5 /down, one word transf jmp sw6 jmp st1 sw6, senseswitch 6 jmp .+2 dxt, jmp . /filled by second command of rdt,wdt,sdt, exit szf 1 jmp tst /to typewriter control jmp dxt set, law 1 /continue 1 word transfer, another word add drg dap drg law 1 add crg dap crg idx lma idx blk sas lim jmp gns /ends 1 word transfers dzm wrd clf 5 lac wf add wld dac wlg lac rf add wld dac wlc jmp sw6 st1, law 1 /initialize 1 word transfers dap sze dap wrd stf 5 lac cor add sze dac lma jmp sgl nrb, lac wrd /normal return from check sub. sza jmp set idx rep sas agn jmp sws jmp sw6 rep, . /repeat lim, . /global value of total no. of words transfered blk, . sze, . /local value of total no. of words transfered wrd, . /0 if block tra. 1 if 1 word tra of block cor, . /global value of core origin crg, . /local " " " " dor, . /global " " drum " drg, . /local " " " " cln, . /used by dataset gen., starting loc. in core cl2, . /second cln for hot random in dataset gen. agn, 1 /again, do test n times before satisfied wf, . /write field rf, . /read field cpf, . /comparison field for checking writes wld, . /used by random data 711711 /used for random number printout wlg, . /used by random data (generate) wlc, . / " " " " (check) lma, . / " " " " , = cor + lim /note - wld,wlg,wlc _. contents depend on whether /reading, writing, or swaping /check /program to check drum transfers and control error printout /entered by jmp after a dcc eck, dac acn /drum circuit find error lac (10000 jmp cko ck, dac acn /drum circuit find no error cla cko, dio ion dra /to check error flip-flops nop nop rcl 3s rar 3s /io(0,1,2) . ac(0,1,2) dzm ety dip ety law 1 dac hct dac bct dzm cad dzm ocr dzm ecr lac ac2 dap cad /so is 0000 - 7777 dac ac lac cad ckf, jmp . /check function. goes to generate data which should /be in core. loaded by test-calling sub. rec, jmp . /recur. return to data gen. for comparison. /loaded by checking part of data gen. sub. ers, lac ocr /error summary, entered from dataset gen. add ecr add ety sza i nrt, jmp nrb /normal return back to readat, etc. sub ety sza jmp smm /on error senseswitch 1 jmp smm law 1 dac k law ehd jda tpa law ety jda tpo jmp smm smm, lio (10 /summary lac tcd sas (flexo nor /normally dont print org, blk lio (12 dio k senseswitch 1 /up suppresses printing jmp .+5 law shd jda tpa /type summary heading law tnm jda tpo /type octal values for summary ert, jmp ebk /error return back to readat, etc. ego, dac exv /back from dataset gen. (expec. value return in ac) lac i ac /pointer dac obv xor exv dac del lac hct sza jmp hdr gpr, cla /get parity of del lio del rcl 9s rir 9s dio shf xor shf ior (rar dac shf lac (525252 shf, rar . /shift instruction and (3 dap ety /is either 01 or 10 add (ion dap tku tku, idx . /indexes either ocr or ecr senseswitch 1 /up suppresses printing jmp rec cla sas bct jmp .+3 senseswitch 3 /up suppresses all but 1 line error print jmp rec law ety jda tpo /type error line dzm bct jmp rec hdr, dzm hct /line error information law 5 dac k senseswitch 1 /up suppresses printing jmp rec law ehd jda tpa /type error heading jmp gpr shd, text .tstiowacrioracaioaoddeveorgblk. tnm, . /test name io0, . /io before dia ac2, . /ac before dcc io2, . /io before dcc acn, . /ac after dcc ion, . /io after dcc ocr, . /odd counter ecr, . /even counter cur, . /starting address of block being transfered csz, . /size of block of data being transfered ehd, text .ertexpobsdelloc. ety, . /error type exv, . /expected value obv, . /observed value del, . /xor of exv,obv ac, . /pointer hct, . /head count. 0,1 used in prints bct, . /body " " " " " end, 270000 /end drum cad, . /core address. used by dataset gen., address part /gets set to ac2. tells origin in core /dataset generators gr, jmp mde /no generation when reading sme, lac lma /same name generation add df dac lmc lac crg ior df tik, dac i cln add (1 dap cln sas lmc jmp tik jmp mde /back to check sub. lmc, . /limit count df, . /drum field dfc, . /drum field for check nme, lac lma /same name check add dfc dac lmc lac (jmp sbk dac rec /plant into check sub lac crg ior dfc tok, sas i ac jmp ego /to check sub., return expected value sct, add (1 dap ac sas lmc jmp tok jmp ers /error summary in check sub. sbk, lac exv jmp sct rnd, lac crg /random generation sas cor jmp nwr /when doing 1 word transfer of a block lac rf szf 3 lac (010000 /when writing dac rr add crg dac rc lac rr add lma dac rlm lac wlg /wld+wf add rr jmp spn nwr, idx rlm /from rnd+2 sub (1 his, add ol spn, rar 7s dac ol dac i cln idx rc dap cln sas rlm jmp his jmp mde /back to readat, etc. rr, . /either 01 or readfield in field part rc, . /r counter rlm, . /limit for random ol, . /old random number snd, lac crg /random check sas cor jmp nws /when doing 1 word transfer of a block lac (jmp rck dac rec /planted into check sub. lac rr szf 4 lac (010000 /when swap dac rrc add crg dac rcc lac rrc add lma dac rlc lac wlc /wld+rf add rrc jmp fde nws, idx rlc /from snd+2 sub (1 pst, add olc fde, rar 7s dac olc sas i ac jmp ego /to check sub, return expected value rck, idx rcc /return from check dap ac sas rlc jmp pst jmp ers rrc, . /either 01 or readfield in field part (check) rcc, . /r counter (check) rlc, . /limit for random (check) olc, . /old random number (check) hr, law 4000 /hotswap random generate dac cln law 6000 dac cl2 lac (14000 dac rc lac (10000 add wld jmp .+2 hr1, add ol rar 7s dac ol dac i cln dac i cl2 idx cl2 idx rc dap cln sas (16000 jmp hr1 jmp mde q3, . /determines first or second half of check hrn, . /number used in hot rand hrc, dzm q3 /hot random check lac (14000 dac rcc lac (jmp hr4 dac rec /planted into check sub. cla hr2, dac hrn lac (10000 add wld jmp .+2 hr3, add olc rar 7s dac olc sas i ac jmp ego /to check sub., return expected value hr4, idx rcc /return from check dap ac sub hrn sas (16000 jmp hr3 idx q3 sas (1 jmp ers /to error summary law 2000 jmp hr2 zrs, cli /zeros generate zcm, lac lma /zero-one common entry dac lmc zot, dio i cln idx cln sas lmc jmp zot jmp mde /back to check sub. one, lio (777777 /ones generate jmp zcm oht, lio (cla /zeros check cmz, lac lma /zero-one check common entry dac lmc dio zro lio (jmp zb dio rec /planted into check sub. zro, cla sas i ac jmp ego /to check sub., return expected value zb, idx ac /return from check sas lmc jmp zro jmp ers /error summary in check sub. ace, lio (clc /ones check jmp cmz pdp, 463146 /checkerboard patterns pap, 463146 314631 314631 463146 pbp, 631463 pcp, 631463 146314 146314 631463 ca, lio (lac pap jmp cot cb, lio (lac pbp jmp cot cc, lio (lac pcp jmp cot cd, lio (lac pdp jmp cot cac, lio (lac pap jmp coc cbc, lio (lac pbp jmp coc ccc, lio (lac pcp jmp coc cdc, lio (lac pdp jmp coc cot, dio gtp /common entry for checkerboard generate and (3 add gtp dac gtp gtp, lac . dac i cln idx cln sas lma jmp cot jmp mde /back to check sub. coc, dio ctm /common entry for checkerboard check lio (jmp cbk dio rec /plant into check sub. lio ctm ch, dio gpk and (3 add gpk dac gpk gpk, lac . sas i ac jmp ego /to check sub., return expected value cbk, idx cad dap ac sas lma jmp ch jmp ers /error summary in check sub. ctm, . /temporary /pairswaps prs, dap epr dzm q1 cla sas wlf /whether old random number or lat jmp .+10 dra nop nop rcl 5s cla rcr 5s dio wld /12-bit random number dzm wlf law 4000 dac cor dac lim dzm dor law 2 dac k law tcd jda tpa /print title law wld jda tpo /print octal values once only psa, law 1 /pairswaps again dac st lac (10000 dac wf dac cpf psw, lac gn1 /pairswap write dac gnf lac ck1 dac ckf lac (10000 dac rf pw, jsp wdt /write lac wf add (10000 dac wf sad end jmp sw law 1 sad st jmp pw /again ps, lac gn2 /swap dac gnf lac ck2 dac ckf jsp sdt lac wf dac cpf lac gn3 dac gnf lac ck3 dac ckf jsp rdt /read to check psi, lac rf add (10000 dac rf sad wf jmp psi sas end /endrum jmp ps jmp psw sw, law 1 sas st jmp ep /to exit dzm st lac (10000 dac wf lac gn3 dac gnf lac ck2 dac ckf pr, jsp rdt /read lac cpf add (10000 dac cpf sas end /endrum jmp pr jmp psi ep, idx q1 sas (1 epr, jmp . /exit law 4000 dac dor jmp psa /again st, . /set, 0 when first enter, 1 when writing later q1, . /determines first or second half of tests gn1, . gn2, . gn3, . /loaded with appropriate jmps to generation ck1, . ck2, . ck3, . /loaded with appropriate jmps to checkers tcd, flexo nor /test code dcd, . /data set code /swaptests spt, dap esw dzm q2 cla sas wlf /whether old random number or lat jmp .+10 dra nop nop rcl 5s cla rcr 5s dio wld /12-bit random number dzm wlf law 2 dac k law tcd jda tpa /print title law wld jda tpo /print octal dzm dor dzm eor sa, lac (10000 /swaptests again dac wf dac cpf dac rf law 4000 dac cor dac lmb dac lim lio lmb sub sz1 spa dio sz1 lac lmb sub szl spa dio szl lds, lac gn1 /load set dac gnf lac ck1 dac ckf ld, jsp wdt /load, write all fields with data lac wf add (10000 dac wf sas end jmp ld lac (jmp gr dac gnf lac ck2 dac ckf lok, jsp rdt /look, check data written in all fields lac cpf add (10000 dac cpf sas end jmp lok lac w1 dac wf lps, lac sz1 /loop set dac lim int, lac r1 /initialize read field dac rf mat, sad wf /match jmp ru1 sub rl sma jmp res swt, lac gn2 /switch dac gnf lac ck2 dac ckf jsp sdt /do swap lac wf dac cpf lac (jmp gr dac gnf lac ck3 dac ckf jsp rdt /check lac lim add sst dac lim add cor and (7777 ior (4000 dac cor add lim sub (i sma jmp .+6 lac cor sub (4000 add eor dac dor jmp lgr law 4000 /reinitialize dac cor jmp .-6 lgr, cla /longor sas lg jmp lgs lac szl sub lim spa jmp wto ru, lac rf /read up ru1, add rst /read up 1 dac rf jmp mat res, sza i /resume jmp swt cla sad lg jmp int wto, lac gn1 /write out dac gnf lac ck1 dac ckf lac lmb dac lim lac eor dac dor law 4000 dac cor jsp wdt /write lac (jmp gr dac gnf lac ck2 dac ckf lac wf dac cpf jsp rdt lac wf add wst dac wf sub wl spq jmp lps idx q2 sas (1 esw, jmp . /exit law 4000 dac dor dac eor jmp sa /again lgs, lac szl /long set sub lim sma jmp swt lac sz1 dac lim jmp ru q2, . /determines first or second half of tests eor, . /holds value of dor lmb, . /program variable lg, 0 /long. =1, keep same rf and go thru all wf until /get to szl sz1, 1 /initial size sst, 1 /size step szl, 4000 /size limit r1, 010000 /initial read field rst, 010000 /read field step rl, 260000 /read field limit w1, 010000 /initial write field wst, 010000 /write field step wl, 260000 /write field limit /the above 9 parameters can be altered by typewriter control /dra dba test d31, dap ext law 3 dac k law ln1 /type title jda tpa law 5 dac k law ln2 /type subtitle jda tpa lac (dra dac trg dzm evl iot 20 /sure clock off cbs esm lac (jmp 3c dac 3 /for return after break trg, . /dra, trigger nop cla rcl 6s rir 6s dio lin 1c, dba lac tm /timing loop cma dac tmo isp tmo jmp .-1 law i 0 /if loop ends before break occurs dac evl /evl = all sevens lsm jmp fot 3c, dra /good return from break nop cla rcl 6s rir 6s dio lot lsm lac 2 /c(io) when break occured sad lin jmp 6b lac (666666 /if io different at break dac evl 6b, lac lot sub lin dap ldl sma jmp dlt add (10000 dap ldl /value of del planted dlt, and (777770 /del test, if .<7, ok sza lac dlt dip evl /put 0 or 2 into ip fot, lac tmo /forceout add tm dac tmo /normalize senseswitch 1 jmp itb szs i 30 /print out only if errors jmp otp lac evl sza i jmp itb otp, law evl /output, print octal line jda tpo itb, szs i 60 /iterate jmp sqn szf 1 jmp tst /to typewriter control sqn, lac trg sza i jmp ent dzm trg /initialize dzm lin jmp gdb ent, idx lin /end test sad (10000 jmp ots gdb, lio lin cbs esm jmp 1c ots, lsm /outside ext, jmp . /exit ln1, text .dradbatst. ln2, text .ertbegenddeltme. evl, . /error-type value lin, . /location in address lot, . /location out address ldl, . /location del (= | out - in| ) tmo, . /time out, time decimal tm, 2333 /timer for ~ 40 ms. octal /hot swap tests -- hot swap and one word hotswap /hot swap (2000 words) -- lio positive number /one word hot swap -- lio negative number /enter by jsp hs hs, dap hxt /hot swap spi jmp 1wd law 3 dac tts law 2000 dac bsz law hr dap stg law dxt dap stp law mde dap htg law hrc dap htp law slh dap slp jmp hst 1wd, law 5 /one word hotswap dac tts law 1 dac bsz law sme dap stg dap htg law nme dap stp dap htp law sl1 dap slp hst, dzm htm /common entry dzm swr lac tts dac k law htt jda tpa /print title hbe, law 4000 /hot back (again) dac lim dac cor lac sf dac rf dac wf dac cpf clf 5 lac stg dac gnf /hr or sme lac htp dac ckf /hrc or nme law 2 dac k law htm jda tpo /print octal cla sas wlf /old random number or lat jmp .+10 dra nop nop rcl 5s cla rcr 5s dio wld /12-bit random number dzm wlf law wld jda tpo /type random octal dzm q4 dzm dor jsp wdt /write first field lac wf add (10000 dac wf lac stp dac ckf /dxt or nme lac htg dac gnf /mde or sme wtl, jsp wdt /writeloop, rest of fields lac wf add (10000 dac wf sas ef jmp wtl /again idx q4 sas (1 jmp ewl /end write loop law 4000 dac dor lac sf dac wf jmp wtl /for second half ewl, lac ef /end write loop sub (10000 dac wf lac bsz dac lim clf 3 stf 4 jmp i slp /slh or sli slh, dra /swap loop for hotswap nop nop swap add adv and (7777 add wf swap dia law 2000 add rf swap and (1777 add (4000 jmp slc sl1, dra /swap loop for one word nop nop swap add adv and (7777 add wf swap dia law 1 add rf swap ior (4000 dac 4000 law 4000 slc, dcc /swap loop common stf 5 lio sf lac rf add (10000 dac rf lac wf add (10000 dac wf sad ef dio wf lac rf sas ef jmp i slp /slh or sl1 dio rf idx swr sad lmt jmp otl szf 5 jmp otl+2 jmp i slp /slh or sl1 otl, dzm swr /outloop idx htm lac (jmp mde dac gnf lac htp dac ckf /hrc or nme law 4000 dac lim dac cor dzm q4 dzm dor rdl, jsp rdt /read loop idx q4 sas (1 jmp .+4 law 4000 dac dor jmp rdl lac cpf add (10000 dac cpf sas ef jmp rdl-2 senseswitch 2 /up for hotswap, down to end jmp hbe clf 5 hxt, jmp . /exit htt, text .hotswptstonewrd. tts, . /tittlesize, 3 or 5 htm, . /hot time, counter swr, . /swap iteration, counter sf, 10000 /startfield ef, 270000 /endfield bsz, . /blocksize, 4000 or 1 adv, 100 /advance, hotswap parameter lmt, . /limiter - 150 or 400 q4, . /determines first or second half slp, . /slh or sl1 stg, jmp . /hr or sme (gnf before first write) stp, jmp . /dxt or nme (ckf after first write) htg, jmp . /mde or sme (gnf after first write) htp, jmp . /hrc or nme (ckf before first write + for read) start /drum diagnostic controls tst, stf 6 /testset, enter typewriter control jsp tr law ct1 jmp scn nst, jsp tr /for preprogram law ct2 jmp scn nor, lac (jsp prs /normal dac gtg lac (flexo nor dac tcd nrv, lac (flexo srd /common entry for nor and var dac dcd lac sb dac gn1 lac sbc dac ck1 dac ck2 lac rb dac gn2 lac gr dac gn3 lac rbc dac ck3 dzm wlf szf i 6 jmp sxt ex, jsp tr law ct3 jmp scn dne, jsp tr /done law ct5 jmp scn tsc, jsp frm /testcall gtg, jsp . gpp, jsp frm /go to preprogram jmp pre bf, . bf2, . lgf, . rfl, . wlf, 0 /determines whether dra or lat for random hif, 260000 frm, dap .+7 /format lio (77 tyo lio (72 tyo clf 6 clf 1 jmp . var, lac (flexo var /variable dac tcd dzm lgf vrl, lac (10000 dac w1 dac wst lac hif dac wl vr1, lac (10000 dac r1 dac rst lac hif dac rl vr2, law 4000 dac szl law 1 dac sz1 dac sst dac lg sas lgf dzm lg lac (jsp spt dac gtg jmp nrv 1ts, lac (flexo one /one test dac tcd dzm lgf dzm rfl f1, jsp tr /field one law ct6 jmp scn ft1, lac bf /f test, first digit sad (20 cla rar 6s dac bf2 jsp tr law ct7 jmp scn ft2, lac bf /f test, second digit sad (20 cla rar 6s dac bf lac bf2 ral 3s add bf dac bf2 jsp tr law ct8 jmp scn ntf, lac bf2 /enter first field sza i jmp ein sub (270000 sma jmp ein lac tcd lio bf2 sas (flexo one jmp nt2 dio w1 dio wl lac (010000 dac wst dzm lgf jmp vr1 nt2, idx rfl /enter second field sas (2 jmp hfd dzm rfl dio r1 dio rl lac (010000 dac rst jmp vr2 ht, law 150 /hotswap dac lmt lac (jsp hsj jmp .+4 ot, law 1400 /one word hotswap dac lmt lac (jsp h1j dac gtg law 36 /determined experimentally dac adv ota, jsp tr law ct9 jmp scn hsj, dap .+6 lio (+1 jmp .+3 h1j, dap .+3 lio (-1 jsp hs jmp . ho, jsp tr law ct0 jmp scn avc, lat /advance parameter change dap adv jmp ho nc, lat /limiter number change dac lmt jmp ho hwd, lat /hot wild, random number dap wld dac wlf jmp ho bt, lac (jsp d31 /to dra dba dac gtg jsp tr law ct9+2 jmp scn hfd, dio w1 /half done dio wl lac (010000 dac wst jmp f1 2ts, lac (flexo two /two test dac tcd law 1 dac lgf dzm rfl jmp f1 jr, law 0 lio (flexo srd jmp jdt js, law 2 lio (flexo snd jmp jdt jc, law 10 lio (flexo scd jmp jdt jd, law 12 lio (flexo sdd jmp jdt je, law 14 lio (flexo sed jmp jdt jf, law 16 lio (flexo sfd jmp jdt jo, law 4 lio (flexo sod jmp jdt jz, law 6 lio (flexo szd jmp jdt jdt, dio dcd /j data add (lac rb dac loc loc, lac . /some jmp instr. dac gn2 idx loc xct loc dac ck3 spe, jsp tr /special law ct4 jmp scn v0, lat rar 6s dac r1 jmp spe v1, lat rar 6s dac rst jmp spe v2, lat rar 6s dac rl jmp spe v3, lat rar 6s dac w1 jmp spe v4, lat rar 6s dac wst jmp spe v5, lat rar 6s dac wl jmp spe v6, lat dac sz1 jmp spe v7, lat dac sst jmp spe v8, lat dac szl jmp spe v9, lat dap wld dac wlf jmp spe tr, dap rxt /type read listen /type in dio bf rxt, jmp . /read exit scn, dap .+1 /scan fch, lac . /fetch, one of ct's dap jup ral 6s and (77 sad bf jup, jmp . sad (76 jmp ein idx fch jmp fch ein, lac (357421 /red,uc,? lio (347277 /black,lc,cr repeat 6, rcl 6s tyo jmp tst ct1, disp 00,tst /dispatch table disp 77,tst disp 74,nst disp 45,nor disp 25,var disp 01,1ts disp 02,2ts disp 70,ht disp 26,ot disp 62,bt disp 76,0 ct2, disp 00,nst disp 77,tst disp 20,gpp disp 76,0 ct3, disp 00,ex disp 77,tst disp 74,dne disp 51,jr disp 22,js disp 63,jc disp 64,jd disp 65,je disp 66,jf disp 46,jo disp 31,jz disp 21,spe disp 76,0 ct4, disp 00,spe disp 77,tst disp 74,dne disp 20,v0 disp 01,v1 disp 02,v2 disp 03,v3 disp 04,v4 disp 05,v5 disp 06,v6 disp 07,v7 disp 10,v8 disp 11,v9 disp 21,spe disp 76,0 ct5, disp 00,dne /from dne disp 77,tst disp 67,tsc disp 76,0 ct6, disp 00,f1 /for 1ts and 2ts disp 77,tst disp 20,ft1 disp 01,ft1 disp 02,ft1 disp 03,ft1 disp 04,ft1 disp 05,ft1 disp 06,ft1 disp 07,ft1 disp 76,0 ct7, disp 20,ft2 disp 01,ft2 disp 02,ft2 disp 03,ft2 disp 04,ft2 disp 05,ft2 disp 06,ft2 disp 07,ft2 ct8, disp 77,tst disp 33,ntf disp 00,ntf disp 76,0 ct9, disp 21,ho /for hotswap disp 00,ota disp 00,bt+2 disp 77,tst disp 74,dne disp 76,0 ct0, disp 00,ho disp 21,ho disp 11,hwd disp 61,avc disp 45,nc disp 74,dne disp 77,tst disp 76,0 pre, clf 1 /preprogram clf 6 idx tpt tpt, xct tpt /testpoint jmp rdm jmp snm jmp srn jmp rha jmp rhb jmp rhc jmp rhd jmp rsm jmp rze jmp rn1 jmp 1ze jmp hsg jmp zrn jmp h1g jmp var jmp 31g jmp lsw jmp rse rse, law tpt /reset dap tpt jmp pre lsw, lac (flexo all /longswap dac tcd law 1 dac lgf jmp vrl sxt, jsp spt /swap exit jmp pre snm, law 202 /same name lio (flexo snd jmp prm rdm, law 0 /random lio (flexo rnd jmp prm srn, law 200 /same rand lio (flexo srd jmp prm rha, law 10 /r checkera lio (flexo rcd jmp prm rhb, law 12 /b lio (flexo rdd jmp prm rhc, law 14 /c lio (flexo red jmp prm rhd, law 16 /d lio (flexo rfd jmp prm rsm, law 2 /rand same lio (flexo rsd jmp prm rze, law 6 /rand zero lio (flexo rzd jmp prm rn1, law 4 /rand one lio (flexo rod jmp prm 1ze, law 406 /one zero lio (flexo ozd jmp prm zrn, law 604 /zero one lio (flexo zod jmp prm rb, jmp rnd rbc, jmp snd sb, jmp sme sbc, jmp nme jmp one jmp ace jmp zrs jmp oht jmp ca jmp cac jmp cb jmp cbc jmp cc jmp ccc jmp cd jmp cdc 31g, clf 1 /dra dba go jsp d31 jmp pre prm, dio dcd /parameter, for pairswaps lio (flexo nor dio tcd cli rcr 6s add (lac rb dac bac cla rcl 6s add (lac rb dac for bac, lac . /back dac gn1 idx bac xct bac dac ck1 dac ck2 for, lac . /fore dac gn2 idx for xct for dac ck3 lac gr dac gn3 jsp prs jmp pre hsg, clf 1 /hotswap go lio (+1 law 320 dac lmt s1c, law 36 dac adv jsp hs jmp pre h1g, clf 1 /hot one go lio (-1 law 300 dac lmt jmp s1c /end of drum test c, constants start tst