invisible debugger xx=hlt sdl=iot 3477 l=0 r=1 nbp=4 define disp low,upp [upp-uc 44]x1000 low-uc 44 termin define letter a,b [b-uc 44]x1000 a termin out=tyo in=tyi define init a,b law b dap a termin define index a,b,c idx a sas b jmp c termin define setup a,b law i b dac a termin define count a,b isp a jmp b termin define move a,b lio a dio b termin define feed a law i a jda fee termin define assign a law a arq jmp bsy termin define dismiss a law i a arq termin define this a a" a termin 1637/ low, this i /low end initial symbol table this and this ior this xor this xct this jdp this cal this jda this lac this lio this dac this dap this dip this dio this dzm this adm this add this sub this idx this isp this sad this sas this mul this div this jmp this jsp this spq this szm this clo this szo this spi this sni this sma this sza this spa this szf this skp this szs this sft this ral this ril this rcl this sal this sil this scl this rar this rir this rcr this sar this sir this scr this law this iot this tyi this ckn this rrb this cks this dsc this asc this isb this cac this lsm this esm this cbs this dia this dba this dcc this dra this lem this eem this rbt this bpt this arq this dsm this wat this sdl this lei this lea this rer this nmn this nmf this ioh this rpa this rpb this tyo this ppa this ppb this dpy this lat this swp this lap this clc this cli this cla this cma this lia this lai this hlt this stf this clf this opr this nop this xx this 9s this 8s this 7s this 6s this 5s this 4s this 3s this 2s this 1s est, low /end of symbol table, pointer to low end 2200, tsw, 0 /ac 0 /io 0 /pc 0 /pf 0 /dia word bpl, 0 /location of first breakpoint cn1, 0 /proceed counter why, 0 2210, jmp ent /entry from user 2211, jmp err /illegal inst. in ID 2212, jmp lse /hit call in ID ent, jsp bpo lac tsw dac ac lac tsw 1 dac io lac tsw 2 dac pc lac tsw 3 dac fg lac tsw 4 dac diw lac why add (. 3 dap . 1 jmp . jmp cll /hit call jmp 1bp /breakpoint jmp cl /dsm jmp ii /illegal inst. xe2, -0 /location of last execute nms, 0 /switch for interpret bpt bpi, lio (-0 /breakpoints in jmp .+2 bpo, cli /breakpoints out dap p8 dio dff dap bp6 lac bp6+2 dac bp2+1 law bp5 dap dpx spi i idx dpx bp1, law bk1 dap bp3 bp2, add (nbp 0 lac bp3 xor p8 sad dff jmp bp5 1 /ignore this bp3, lac . spa jmp bp5+1 dac tas ral 6s and (17 dac ts2 bp4, lac . dac dep jmp dp0-2 bp5, dac i bp4 idx bp3 sas (lac bk1 nbp jmp bp2 cla sad dff bp6, jmp . law x1 1 bp6+2, dap bp4 /used as a constant above dzm dff idx dpx lac . dac bp2+1 jmp bp1 so1, rpb /skip over input routine soi, rpb /enter here spi i jmp so1 rbk, dap rbx /read a block into buffer law buf dac rb1 dac la dzm chi rpb dio t2 dio t spi jmp ls2 /start block rpb dio ch law i 1 /check for block format add ch sub t2 and (777700 sza jmp err law i 1 add ch xor t2 and (770000 sza jmp err rb0, rpb dio i rb1 lac i rb1 adm chi idx rb1 index t2,ch,rb0 add chi add t rpb dio chi sas chi jmp cse lio t ril 1s cla spi dip t spi dip ch rbx, jmp . rb1, 0 bsy, jsp lct lac (356224 jda tys lac (223034 jda tys jmp pn2 aa, 746100 0 /A 747100 0 /I 742700 0 /X 746700 0 /G 742600 0 /W 746600 0 /F 744400 0 /M 744454 007201 /M+1 744454 007202 /M+2 746200 0 /B b=1 repeat nbp-1,746254 7200 b b=b 1 ac, 0 /Internal registers. io, 0 xrg, 7775 pc, 0 diw, 0 fg, 0 msk, -0 ll, 0 ul, 7777 bk1,repeat nbp,-0 nir=.-ac .+nbp/ pr0, lac bkf xor pc and (177777 sza /proceed from bpt? jmp p1 2 /no init p8,bk1 p8, lac . sad bpl /one still there? jmp p9 /yes index p8,(lac bk1 nbp,p8 jmp p1 2 p9, lio (-0 /must interpret bpt jsp bpi 4 law 1 dac nms jmp p2 p1, clc /start user dac xe2 jsp bpi dzm nms lac (add dac cn1 p2, jsp lcc lac ac dac tsw lac io dac tsw 1 lac pc dac tsw 2 lac fg dac tsw 3 lac diw dac tsw 4 lac nms dsm /go xe0, law xrg spi jmp n0 move pc,opc move bkf,obf move bpl,obp lac xrg xct xsw dac fa law 7 dip fa and lc2 sas lc2 jmp err rar 6s ior fa dac xe2 /execute address xor pc and (177777 xor pc /save overflow,extend dac pc ior (add dac tas ral 6s and (17 dac ts2 dzm tsp jda trc xct pvs jmp xc /in core move wrd,x1 lac xe2 dap pvp lio pvp dia lio (3 law x1 dcc jmp dre jmp p1 2 x1, 0 /word to be executed bpt bpt xc, lac wrd jda dep idx tas lac x1 1 jda dep idx tas jsp dep 1 jmp p1 2 1bp, lac xe2 /breakpoint sad (-0 /X in progress? jmp 2b /no xor pc and (jda sza jmp 2b /returned to wrong core lac pc and (177777 sub xe2 spa add (i sad (1 jmp cl /returned,no skip sas (2 jmp 2b /incorrect return jsp lcc /skipped jmp cl 2b, lac bpl b=0 repeat nbp-1,sad bk1 b jmp 3b b=b 1 sas bk1 b jmp ii /bpt not assigned 3b, law 7255 dac lwt move pc,bkf jmp pb cll, lio (7255 /call button jmp . 2 ii, lio (741010 /illegal instruction clc dac bkf dac bpl 3bp, dio lwt lac xe2 sad (-0 jmp pb /X not in progress xor pc and (177777 sza jmp pb law 7427 /this was an X jda tys lac lwt jda tys jsp lct lac xe2 ior (add dac tas ral 6s and (17 dac ts2 dzm tsp jsp fet jda lwt cl, move obf,bkf /dsm move obp,bpl lac opc xor pc and (177777 xor pc dac pc clc dac opc dac obf dac obp jmp lse ff, lac iif sza jmp err lac sym l sza i lac sym r jdp spv lio let law syl spi i law tys dap sgn lac wrd xct sgn dac sys jsp lcc lio fa xct xsw cli lac sys arq jda ff2 dac ff2 jsp lcc ff3, lac ff2 sad sys jmp lse ral 6s jda opt jmp lse ff2, 0 jmp ff3 start