=rope-read-mode= can reverse every other line of a buffer or in a part of a buffer. With every other line reversed reading can be like following a rope. Turning it on and off --------------------- =M-x rope-read-mode= in a buffer activates rope-read. No visible change in the buffer is to be expected. The buffer is set read-only. Type =M-x rope-read-mode= or press 'q' to quit rope-read. The buffer writability gets restored. Action ------ When =rope-read-mode= is on you can press - =C-g= to interrupt =rope-read-mode= anytime - =q= to quit =rope-read-mode= - =?= to open the help buffer - =r= /redraw standard/ to go back to the representation of the buffer without reversed lines (keeping =rope-read-mode=) - =p= /paragraph/ to reverse every other line starting with the line below the cursor up to the end of the paragraph (if visible) and move point there - The next four commands are each followed by reversing every other line in the visible part. The keys are taken the same as in =view-mode=: - =SPC= to scroll a screen down - == or =S-SPC= to scroll a screen up - =v= or == to scroll one line down - =V= or =y= to scroll one line up - =g= /get the rope-read/ to trigger reversing every other line for the currently visible part of the buffer - =d= /downwards/ to reverse every other line starting with the line below the cursor Configuration ------------- For convenience you can bind command =rope-read-mode= to a key. For example to activate or deactivate =rope-read-mode= by pressing scroll lock two times use the line #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE (global-set-key (kbd " ") 'rope-read-mode) #+END_EXAMPLE You can control the flipping via customization. See M-x customize-apropos rope-read. Shortcut: With point after the next closing parenthesis do C-xe (customize-apropos "rope-read").