A minor mode that remembers where the last paste occurred and provides the command `mark-yank' to select it at any time later. Use `mark-yank-global-mode' to enable this is in all buffers. Immediately after yanking, you can press C-x C-x to activate the mark, but this mode is useful for setting the same region even after you've moved around and even made changes. This mode does not bind any keys. I recommend C-M-y which is unused, similar to C-y used for yank, and similar to other C-M mark keys like C-M-SPC for mark sexp. IMPORTANT: Do not defer loading until you want to mark since the mode must be enabled when the yank occurred so it can remember it. For example, if you are using use-package, `:bind' will defer loading the package until you press the bound key. Use `:demand' to load immediately. (use-package mark-yank :ensure t :demand t :bind ("C-M-y" . 'mark-yank) :config (mark-yank-global-mode 1))