A simple minor-mode to automatically enforce a "one-sentence per line" style in text files. ;; Installation Place the file `electric-ospl.el' somewhere on your `load-path', and `require` it (note, autoloading is also supported). Enable `electric-ospl-mode' anywhere where you want to follow a "one-sentence per line" style, for instance, by adding to various mode hooks (I use `text-mode-hook' personally). Additionally, a globalized minor mode, `global-electric-ospl-mode' is available, which will activate the mode based on the value of `electric-ospl-global-modes' (see below). Moreover, `global-electric-ospl-mode' can be disabled by setting the buffer-local `electric-ospl-forbid' variable to non-nil. ;; Configuration There are a couple of options which can be used to modify behavior (and speed) of the mode. The variables noted with (CUSTOM) *must* be customized using either the customize interface or (on Emacs 29.1 or later) `setopt', because a setter is used to cache the regular expressions. - The first is `electric-ospl-regexps' (CUSTOM), which sets the list of regular expressions defining how a sentence ends. - The next is `electric-ospl-ignored-abbreviations' (CUSTOM), which is a (case-sensitive) list of abbrevations ending in a period that are not necessarily considered the end of a sentence. - Next, efficiency may be modified by changing `electric-ospl-maximum-lookback-chars', which determines how far to look back to find the end of a sentence. - Additionally, the `electric-ospl-sentence-end-functions' hook determines if point is currently at the end of a sentence. It defaults to using the regexp returned by `sentence-end' but may be extended to use sentence-end determination logic provided by other packages. - Finally, you can configure ignoring of OSPL in certain circumstances using the `electric-ospl-ignore-electric-functions' hook. This variable defaults to ignoring when the last thing was in the ignored abbreviations list. It is used by checking, one-by-one for a function which returns non-nil. An example use is below. (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook (defun my/latex-ospl-config () (add-hook 'electric-ospl-ignore-electric-functions (defun my/ignore-ospl-in-some-latex-envs () (cl-member (LaTeX-current-environment) '("tabular" "tabularx" "tikzpicture"))) -100 t))) Additionally, where the globalized mode is enabled is configured using `electric-ospl-global-modes', which has the following semantics. - If t, it will be enabled in all modes (except for special modes, ephemeral buffers, or the minibuffer). - If nil, it will not be enabled in any modes. - If the first symbol is `not', `electric-ospl-mode' will not be enabled in buffers with the listed major modes or descending from the listed major modes. - Otherwise, it will be enabled only in the listed modes. It may also be configured using the `electric-ospl-allowed-override-commands' variable, which defines which bindings for SPC may be overridden. If the current binding for SPC is not in `electric-ospl-allowed-override-commands', then the mode will not be activated locally. This defaults to `self-insert-command' and `org-self-insert-command'. ;; Acknowledgments This code is based significantly on Jan Seeger's `twauctex' (https://github.com/jeeger/twauctex). I've made effort to simplify the logic and make it so that it's usable in modes other than `LaTeX-mode'. ;; Errors and Patches If you find an error or have a patch to improve this package, please send an email to `~swflint/emacs-utilities@lists.sr.ht`.