OSSTMM - Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual INTRODUCTION This manual is a combination of ambition, study, and years of experience. The individual tests themselves are not particularly revolutionary, but the methodology as a whole does represent the benchmark for the security testing profession. And through the thoroughness of its application you will find a revolutionary approach to testing security. Make no mistake - this manual is a professional standard for security testing in any environment from the outside to the inside. As a professional standard, it includes the rules of engagement, the ethics for the professional tester, the legalities of security testing, and a comprehensive set of the tests themselves. As security testing continues to evolve into being a valid, respected profession, the OSSTMM intends to be the professional s handbook. The objective of this manual is to create one accepted method for performing a thorough security test. Details such as the credentials of the security tester, the size of the security firm, financing, or vendor backing will impact the scale and complexity of our test but any network or security expert who meets the outline requirements in this manual will have completed a successful security profile. You will find no recommendation to follow the methodology like a flowchart. It is a series of steps that must be visited and revisited (often) during the making of a thorough test. The methodology chart provided is the optimal way of addressing this with pairs of testers however any number of testers are able to follow the methodology in tandem. What is most important in this methodology is that the various tests are assessed and performed where applicable until the expected results are met within a given time frame. Only then will the tester have addressed the test according to the OSSTMM model. Only then can the report be - at the very least - called thorough. Some security testers believe that a security test is simply a point in time view of a defensive posture and present the output from their tests as a security snapshot . They call it a snapshot because at that time the known vulnerabilities, the known weaknesses, and the known configurations have not changed. But is this snapshot enough? The methodology proposed in this manual will provide more than a snapshot. Risk Assessment Values (RAVs) will enhance these snapshots with the dimensions of frequency and a timing context to the security tests. The snapshot then becomes a scattershot, encompassing a range of variables over a period of time before degrading below an acceptable risk level. Starting with the 2.1 revision of the OSSTMM we have evolved the definition and application of RAVs to more accurately quantify this risk level. The RAVs provide specific tests with specific time periods that become cyclic in nature and minimize the amount of risk one takes in any defensive posture. Some may ask: Is it worth having a standard methodology for testing security? Well, the quality of output and results of a security test is hard to gauge without one. Many variables affect the outcome of a test, including the personal style and bias of a tester. Precisely because of all these variables it is important to define the right way to test based on best practices and a worldwide consensus. If you can reduce the amount of bias in testing, you will reduce many false assumptions and you will avoid mediocre results. You ll have the correct balanced judgment of risk, value, and the business justification of the target being tested. By limiting and guiding our biases, it makes good security testers great and provides novices with the proper methodology to conduct the right tests in the right areas. The end result is that as security testers we participate and form a larger plan. We re using and contributing to an open-source and standardized methodology that everyone can access. Everyone can open, dissect, add to, suggest and contribute to the OSSTMM, where all constructive criticism will continue to develop and evolve the methodology. It just might be the most valuable contribution anyone can make to professional security testing. We welcome your feedback. Pete Herzog, Managing Director, ISECOM and creator of the OSSTMM The ISECOM homepage is located at: http://www.isecom.org/ The ISECOM OSSTMM homepage is located at: http://www.isecom.org/projects/osstmm.htm Cryptographic signatures and checksums may be provided by the developers at the URL(s) above. Wiretapped recommends that users check these before use of the software/information.