ÒGenerations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.Ó Ñ Albert Einstein Gandhi ~ Apostle of Peace and Nonviolence depicts the life and message of Mahatma Gandhi. GandhiÕs role as the liberator of India from British rule was only one of his many achievements. His life and teachings have a meaning for all humankind for all time. GandhiÕs life was his message. On this CDROM, youÕll relieve the trajectory of events of his 54 year public career. Dr. Professor K. Swaminathan, the Chief Editor of The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, headed a committee of scholars that prepared this script. See the real Gandhi and interact with his Life and Message: ¥ Video ~ 30 minutes of selected Movie clips. ¥ Photographs ~ 175 photos, some of them rare, from the collections of the Gandhi National Museum & Library, New Delhi. ¥ Letters ~ Copies of original letters in GandhiÕs handwriting. ¥ GandhiÕs Voice ~ Original voice recordings of Gandhi. ¥ Home Movie Theater ~ Sit back and enjoy 45 minutes of video on Gandhi, accompanied with narration and Indian instrumental music. ¥ Interactive Timeline ~ A pointer on the Timeline shows the current event. Move the pointer to visit any event in GandhiÕs life. ¥ Interactive Maps ~ Display a map that highlights the place you click in the text. ¥ Hypertext ~ Click on difficult words for definitions and peopleÕs names for short biographical notes. System requirements: 3 IBM Compatible Computer 3 DOS 3.1 + Windows 3.1 3 10MB Free Hard Disk Space 3 4MB RAM (minimum) 3 8 Bit Sound Blaster Compatible Sound Card