This CDROM gives you complete access to the world of Eiffel along with working tools and classes. YouÕll find: ¥ The following Eiffel compilers: Eon: Eon/Eiffel is a shareware compiler, producing C++ code ISE: ISE free Eiffel for Windows is a freeware maintained by ISE SIG: SIG Eiffel/S 1.3S is the shareware version of Eiffel/S Tower: TowerEiffel 1.5 for Linux is the full version, TowerEiffel for Windows 1.5 is Beta and requires a C compiler. ¥ Eiffel classes and clusters ¥ Texts and archives about Eiffel, including the Eiffel Frequently Asked Questions Document; articles on EiffelOutlook; Invitation to Eiffel; the archives of NICE, including ELS95 and ETR; Mail list of the Eiffel News and Eiffel Patterns; Newsgroup Archives of comp.lang.eiffel through Sept. 1995. ¥ Utilities to make using the disc easier including djgcc (great MSDOS 32 bit C compiler), ghostscript postscript viewer, emacs editor. ¥ The related languages Heron and Sather The disc runs under Windows 3.1, Windows 95, MSDOS, and Unix. You can find any keyword quickly with our fully indexed text files. If you run a BBS, youÕll find index files for the following BBS systems: Wildcat, Spitfire, PC-Board, RBBS, Maximus, Opus, and file_id.diz systems.