================================================================ page 2-3 ================================================================ To access the documentation and sources *************************************** This CDROM contains *much* more information that we can print in this booklet. The first thing you should do after mounting the CDROM is to read the real documentation, which you will find in the file README.LEMIS in the top-level directory on the CDROM. Further documentation can be found in the directory *DOCUMENTATION*, and the sources for the packages are in *SOURCE*. In each directory, a file *README.LEMIS* will give further information. To access these files from the desktop, double-click on *Disks-etc*. When the folder menu appears, double-click on *cdrom1*. The top-level folder will be displayed. To mount the CDROM as a file system *********************************** Alternatively, you can mount the CDROM as a file system. It will then appear just like another disk, and you can then access the files with normal UNIX tools. To mount the CDROM as a file system, start a terminal window as super-user and enter: From the Desktop, select (double click on) *Accessories*. In the Accessories menu, select (double click on) *Terminal*. A terminal window will appear. At the terminal prompt, type $ su *Become super-user Password: *Enter password* # mkdir /cdrom *make the cdrom directory* # mount -F cdfs -r /dev/cd0 /cdrom *mount the CDROM* If the CDROM is mounted, you can also install the software with the command $ pkgadd -d /cdrom Limited FREE support from LEMIS ******************************* This CDROM is supplied ``as-is'' without any support obligation. However, in order to promote its services, LEMIS offers a limited support service for this and other products. The support is supplied without any obligation to either side, but we hope that you will be satisfied with our service and continue using it after the free support has expired. For more details, read the file *SUPPORT* on the CDROM, or call, mail or fax us. Please note that we require a signed support registration form before we can supply any support. Copyrights ********** Most of the packages on this disk have some form of copyright, which normally allows non-commercial use. Commercial use or the incorporation of source code in other products may be subject to restrictions - check the documentation of the individual packages for details. The additional material supplied by LEMIS may not be redistributed without prior written agreement. No /dev/cd0? ************ If the device file */dev/cd0* does not exist, check the name of the file in the directory */dev/cdrom*, and substitute this name for /dev/cd0. ================================================================ page 4 ================================================================ Ported software for UNIX SVR4.2 ******************************* How to install the software. This CDROM can be used in two different ways: either install the software with the standard tools, or link the files on the CDROM to your existing file systems. The documentation on the CD will give you more details on how to do each of these -- see inside this booklet for further details. To install a package 1. From the Desktop, select (double click on) *Accessories*. 2. In the Accessories menu, select (double click on) *Terminal*. 3. A terminal window will appear. Depending on your preferences, the prompt may be different. Normally you can expect a *$* symbol. When the prompt appears, type *pkgadd -d cdrom1* 4. At the prompt, insert the CDROM in the drive and press the Enter key. A list of all the packages will appear on the screen. You can choose to install *all* or specific packages. Enter the abbreviated names or numbers of the packages you want, separated by spaces. LEMIS Lehey Microcomputer Systems Schellnhausen 2 D-36325 Feldatal Germany Phone +49-6637-1488 Fax +49-6637-1489 Email lemis@lemis.de