NOTE - If you are having problems with the patch, such as it reporting that there isn't enough free space to use it, even though there is plenty room, please try increasing the amount of allocated RAM of the patch, redownloading the patch again, or moving iCab temporarily to another hard driver (preferably a smaller drive). iCab Appearance Patch Welcome to the iCab Appearance Patch for iCab Release 1.5. This patch will update the appearance of iCan to make it better suitable for Mac OS 8 and greater. Installing this patch is easy: 1) Launch iCab Patch (or NS - the animated Cab will not be replaced with my own animation) 2) Locate iCab R 1.5 (ONLY VERSION SUPPORTED!) 3) A backup of iCab is placed in the Trash 4) Launch iCab, and open the Preferences dialog 5) iCab looks best with large icons without name 6) Click OK & you're done Price Freeware Version History Version 1.5 - Works now with iCab P 1.5. Has *many* new additions and many new changes. Version 1.4 - Works now with iCab P 1.4. Few new additions (same found in version 1.3a v2, never released) Version 1.3a - Works now with iCab P 1.3a. Many new enhancements. German version now available. Version 1.2 - Fixed sans NS Patch to work properly now. iCab can now be used with any appearance option (small/large icons - name/no name). Updated Read Me, minor changes to patch. Version 1.1 - Added sans Netscape Patch, which doesn't replace the animated Cab logo with a Netscape logo. Updated Read me. mariel lohninger (a.k.a. everdween)