About DosLynx

DosLynx is a World-Wide Web browser for users of MS-DOS platforms. DosLynx includes it's TCP/IP stack and is able to access the Internet either directly via an Ethernet or TokenRing, or indirectly via a dial-in SLIP or PPP connection.

Credits and Copyright

DosLynx is a product of the Distributed Computing Group within Academic Computing Services of The University of Kansas. DosLynx was originally implemented by Garrett Blythe.

DosLynx is copyrighted by the University of Kansas and is free for non-commercial use. Commercial use will be licensed at a later date.

DosLynx is no longer in development at the University of Kansas. Wayne Buttles of fdisk.com is currently providing some development and support. Please see http://www.fdisk.com/doslynx/for more information about his work.

Thanks to Tim Berners-Lee and the other CERN World Wide Web wizards for the WWW client library code and all of their other work on the WWW project, NCSA and the Mosaic developers, and to everyone out in netland who has contributed to DosLynx's development either directly (through comments or bug reports) or indirectly (through inspiration and development of other systems).


The last KU version of DosLynx can currently be obtained by anonymous ftp from: ftp2.cc.ukans.edu in the pub/doslynx directory.

A listserv list has been created for information about DosLynx and for notification of updates. The listserv is called doslynx-dev@ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu. You may sign-up by sending a message with "subscribe doslynx-dev <your-name>" as the only line in the message to listserv@ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu. DO NOT send subscribe requests to the doslynx-dev list itself.