Chimera Convert Configuration

Chimera can be configured to use other programs to convert data from a form that chimera cannot handle to a form that it can handle. For example, chimera can use a convert program to turn JPEG inline images to GIF inline images. The file that describes the convert configuration is called the convert file. Each convert specification is described by a line in the protocol file. Blank lines or lines beginning with '#' are ignored.

Each protocol entry is made up of the following white space (excluding carriage returns and line feeds) delimited fields:

use in-content-type out-content-type command


The use field indicates the circumstances for which the conversion will be used. Following is a list of possible use values:


This describes the type to be converted. This must match in order for the conversion to be done.


This describes the result of the conversion.


This is the command used to do the conversion. It must accept a filename argument on the command line. The name is the file that contains the data to be converted.

Example Convert File

# # use in-content-type out-content-type command # # Conversions for inline images inline application/postscript image/gif pstopxm gif8 %s inline image/jpeg image/gif djpeg -gif %s # just do a download ftp application/x-compress * none ftp application/x-gzip * none # Deal with transfer/content encodings x-compress * * uncompress -c %s x-gzip * * gunzip -c %s # Misc. conversions * text/x-compress-html text/html uncompress -c %s * text/x-gzip-html text/html gunzip -c %s * message/ text/html echo ''; cat %s * x-unknown/x-unknown text/html echo '<plaintext>'; cat %s * application/news-transmission text/html echo '<plaintext>'; cat %s </listing> <hr> <a href=~john/chimera/>Chimera Home Page</a> <address></address> </html>