Chimera Cache Configuration

Chimera can cache documents on the local filesystem to improve performance under many circumstances.

The file that describes the cache configuration is called the cacheinfo file. The cache can actually be divided into separate, individually configured caches. Each cache is described by a line in the cacheinfo file. Blank lines or lines beginning with '#' are ignored.

Each cache entry is made up of the following white space (excluding carriage returns and line feeds) delimited fields:

directory domain size TTL clean


The directory field is the name of the directory where the cache files are stored. More than one cache can share the same directory. If the directory does not exist then the cache entry is ignored.


The domain field is an Internet domain name. This is used to determine which documents are put in the cache. An asterick (*) means that all domains are stored in that cache. The domain is matched to the domain of the source of the document starting at the end of the name (huh?). For example,
match. This is done because the author was too lazy to include the code to do real regular expressions. Also, it doesn't make sense to match it any other way.


The size field is used to specify the maximum size of the cache in bytes.


The TTL field is used to specify the time-to-live value for the documents in the cache. Documents are reloaded from the original source if they were written to the cache longer than TTL seconds ago. A manual reload resets the TTL.


The clean field is used to specify whether or not chimera should remove all of the cache files before it exits.

Example cacheinfo File

# # directory domain size ttl clean # /sd1/john/cache1 500000 14400 1 /sd1/john/cache2 * 10000000 0 0

Default Cache

There is a default cache in case a cache info file is not available. The X resources cacheTTL, cacheDir, cacheSize, and cacheClean determine are used to specify the characteristics of the default cache. By default they are /tmp * 4000000 14400 1