Attention!!! The latest version of AMSD Ariadna 1.3, that has English-Russian dictionary including over 50 000 entries, automatic encoding russian layout, and many other things. For more details see here. For download - click HERE. About AMSD Ariadna™ AMSD Ariadna™ - is the first Russian full-featured World Wide Web browser for Windows 95 and Windows NT(Intel, DEC Alpha). AMSD Ariadna™ was designed by the specialists of the Russian company AMSD (Advanced Multimedia System Design). AMSD Ariadna™ this is: Built-in Russian character set support (Windows, KOI-8, DOS, Macintosh, ISO) Easy-to-use interface High performance Easy to installation and uninstallation History and further plans AMSD Ariadna™ was designed with the future development of the Internet in Russia in mind. Our development team's goal is to create a product capable of competing with the best Internet Browsers offered by Western vendors. (First of all we looked at Netscape and Internet Explorer). You can learn about potentialities and technical requirements of our browser in details if you read FAQ about AMSD Ariadna. New versions and new potentialities of our browser are on News page. If you want to work with our browser, please download it for yourself.