W3C Amaya Doc

How to install the Unix Amaya Binary Release

In the following, we assume that the path stored in the archive begins with the Amaya directory (this change was introduced for the source distribution). Older binary distributions use Amaya as the top directory name instead.

Choose a place for Amaya

Supposing the binary distribution was loaded fine, one must choose a place to install it. We suggest

A Linux version doesn't need more that 5 Megabytes of disk space, even a RISC architecture distribution should not exceed 10 Megabytes.

Extract the distribution

Move the distribution to this directory, check that the rights on this directory allow you to create a directory and extract the distribution.

On a Linux ELF platform one must invoke:

tar xvzf amaya-linux-elf-Release.tar.gz

Where Release has to be replaced by the current version number.

More generally if the distribution is a tar.gz file:

gunzip -c amaya-Platform-Release.tar.gz | tar xvf -

Whatever the method used, this should print around 40 lines of output and create a new directory called Thot populated with a few files and directories. If not, your distribution file was probably corrupted during transfer, please get a new one. Read carefully the COPYRIGHT, README and AboutThot files.

Set up the environment and start Amaya

The file Amaya/SYSTEM/bin/amaya is the Amaya binary, the best thing is to add the path to the Amaya/SYSTEM/bin directory to your PATH environment variable. For example on a Linux-ELF system:

setenv PATH $PATH:/usr/local/Amaya/LINUX-ELF/bin

for a csh or tcsh shell. When using sh, bash or another variant of the Bourne shell

PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/Amaya/LINUX-ELF/bin ; export PATH

Maybe this command should be added to the .login startup script. Once done one can lauch Amaya simply by typing "amaya" to the shell prompt. The Amaya main window should open and display the first page of the Amaya documentation.

If something goes wrong

Irène Vatton
$Date: 1999/08/12 12:11:02 $